Coaching & Training That Make a Difference
Family & Parent Coaching
Integrating social and emotional learning supports for children at home is very helpful for both children’s and families’ wellbeing. With family and parent coaching, you receive individualized support with one-on-one Zoom coaching sessions. Below are areas of focus for supporting children through personalized coaching:
Problem Solving
Goal Setting
Positive Choices (Behavioral Support)
Emotion Regulation
Coping & Calming Skills
To apply for coaching, click the button below or email
Training & Events
Introduction Training
Integrating a comprehensive social and emotional learning system can seem daunting at first; however, the Introduction to PAWsitive Choices training makes starting up a new system feel completely feasible. Our introduction training includes:
Trauma and Resiliency Research
Time for Reflection on Teaching Practices
Key Components to a Comprehensive SEL System
Student & Teacher Videos of PAWsitive Choices in Action
PAWsitive Choices Materials
We offer additional event options that can be customized to your school’s or organization’s needs. These topics can be delivered by way of keynote speaking events, workshops, breakout sessions at conferences, university presentations, Zoom webinars, and more. Topics are customized to your event and can include:
Empowering Problem Solvers
The Power of Positive Connection
Problems Are a Gift
Fostering Social & Emotional Learning
Social & Emotional Learning Through Literacy
Cultivating Calm in the Classroom and Home
Kicking off a Positive Year
Workshops are a fun and interactive way to solidify learning and easily implement social and emotional strategies. Learn the why behind important practices (like emotional regulation breaks and problem solving meetings) and then create easy-to-use materials that you can implement in your classroom and home!
Brain Break Workshop
This workshop teaches ways to help children and adults regulate strong feelings. Participants create a calming “Brain Break” toolkit and learn how to use it with children when they need emotional support. Brain Break Toolkits include: social-emotional learning posters, mirrors, journals, crayons, sensory tools, flowers and (fake) candles, and more.
Problem Solving Workshop
This workshop teaches ways to help children and adults collaboratively solve problems. Learn how to solve problems productively, rather than punitively, and cultivate empathy and boundaries through repairing practices. Participants create a “Problem Solving Toolkit” that includes: a binder, social-emotional posters, problem solving reflections, talking tools, markers, social story stick puppets, and more.
Professional Development for Schools
Continued professional development takes your understanding of trauma-informed practices and implementation of effective teaching strategies even further. A variety of follow-up trainings are available for those who have taken the Introduction to PAWsitive Choices class. Topics include:
Resiliency in the Classroom: Trauma-Informed Practices
Diving Deeper into Problem Solving
Productive Goal Setting
Visual Learning: Integrating Pictures, Drawings, and Gestures for ELLs and Visual Learners
PAWsitive Choices: Family and School Partnerships
Classroom Coaching
Classroom coaching allows you to see your teaching and students through a new lens. Collaborate with PAWsitive Choices developer, Lindsey Kealey, to create lessons and tools that best meet the needs of your students. Select from the following menu of actives to get the most out of your coaching session(s):
Reflect on your teaching practice by identifying areas of success and areas for growth.
Identify goals and a focus for your coaching session(s) so the day(s) can be designed for your specific needs.
Observe demonstration lessons that are designed specially for your class.
Develop custom plans for specific students in your class who need extra SEL support.
Co-teach lessons with Lindsey to try out new strategies and get on-the-spot feedback.
Make a plan for next steps.