Social-Emotional Community Behavioral Health Project

The aim of the Social-Emotional and Trauma-Responsive Community Behavioral Health Project was to improve the quality of education and community mental health through the provision of literacy, social-emotional, and trauma-responsive curriculum and training. We collaborated with Every Child Central Oregon, SMART Reading, Crook County School District, and the High Desert Education Service District Early Childhood Special Education team. On this page you’ll find feedback from people who participated in the project and a sample of the webinar recordings, videos, and other resources that were created and shared with these organizations. It was an honor to work with these amazing teams to promote the wellbeing of children, educators, and foster families in Central Oregon!


Every Child Central Oregon

Calming Skills Webinar for Foster Families

Description: In this webinar we explore ways to help children regulate strong feelings and make positive choices so they can thrive in school and beyond. Learn strategies you can use right away to strengthen your bond with children and cultivate calming skills!

SMART Reading

The Power of Positive Connection Webinar for Volunteers and Staff

Description: Learn practical ways to help children engage in meaningful learning. Equipping children with tangible tools to regulate feelings and make positive choices is a gift to all children, and especially those who experience trauma and other environmental stressors. Participants will leave this webinar with strategies they can use right away to strengthen their bond with children and successfully foster learning!

ESD Early Childhood Special Education

Demonstration Lesson Videos for Early Childhood Educators

Video #1 for ECSE teachers: This read aloud video teaches you how to do a variety of calming breaths to build calming skills. The lesson begins with a mystery bag to hook students' interest and capture the power of calming breaths. The other resources and activities described in the video are part of the PAWsitive Choices curriculum.

Video #2 for ECSE teachers: In this video we act out three social stories using stick puppets to demonstrate calming skills. The first story teaches the importance of breathing and apologizing after you've made a mistake. The second story demonstrates how to breathe and communicate. Finally, the last story explores how you can breathe when you have anxious thoughts.

Crook County School District

Collaborative Problem Solving Webinar for Kindergarten Teachers

Description: In this webinar we explore practical ways to apply a trauma-responsive approach to helping both children and adults find resolutions in the classroom and beyond. Learn effective strategies to support students' social and emotional learning, empowering them to make positive choices, regulate strong feelings, build empathy, and collaboratively solve problems with others. When you unwrap problems with students in productive, rather than punitive ways, you will find that problems are not just fires to put out or issues that weight us down. Rather, problems can be a gift to ourselves and the students we teach.

Spanish Resources

About PAWsitive Choices

PAWsitive Choices is a comprehensive trauma-informed social & emotional learning (SEL) system that teaches children to: regulate emotions, make positive choices, set and measure goals, learn from mistakes, collaboratively solve problems, and strengthen relationships.

PAWsitive Choices on YouTube

The PAWsitive Choices Podcast